Individual businesses in agriculture and fishing with less than 5 empl…

  • 최고관리자 (121.♡.204.119)
  • 03-08
  • 40
  • 0

Individual businesses in agriculture and fishing with less than 5 employees are also required to subscribe to industrial accident insurance, etc.

I recently received a call from Mr. T, a migrant fishery worker (E-9-4) . He entered Korea about two months ago and is working at a shrimp farm ( company with less than 5 employees ) . He wanted to know whether the business was covered by industrial accident insurance , etc. After inquiring with the user , he confirmed that he was covered by industrial accident insurance and informed Mr. T.

Recently, there have been many requests from migrant workers working in agriculture and fishing to check whether they are covered by industrial accident insurance , etc. Until now, individual agricultural and fishing businesses with less than 5 employees and fishing boats less than 3 tons were not subject to mandatory subscription to ' Industrial Accident Insurance ' or ' Fishing Vessel Accident Insurance ' .

However , as the laws related to the Employment Permit System were revised , from February 3 of this year , individual fishing businesses with less than people and fishing boats weighing less than 3 tons must also subscribe to Industrial Accident Insurance or Fishing Crew Accident Insurance , or sign up for ' Farmers and Fishermen's Safety Insurance You must submit a promise to join within months from the date of starting work to receive an employment permit .

Although it is late , it is fortunate that conditions have been created so that migrant workers at the workplace, who have been virtually excluded from institutional industrial accident compensation, can work with greater peace of mind .

< Comparison of each insurance >


industrial accident insurance

Fishing vessel accident insurance

Farmers and Fishermen Safety Insurance


Korea Workers' Compensation and Welfare Service

Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives

NH Nonghyup Life Insurance , National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives

Mandatory registration

All business locations

Owners of ships over 3 tons

Random registration

Farming and fishing less than 5 people

private business

Shipowners under 3 tons

( excluding deep-sea fishing boats )

Farming and fishing less than 5 people

Private workplace ( subscription per worker )





( Varies depending on vessel size )

National treasury subsidy of 50-70%

and local government subsidies

insurance money


Nursing care benefits

Nursing care benefits

Nursing care benefits

Injury and disease compensation pension

sickness benefit

Injury/disease treatment benefits

Disability benefits

Disability benefits

Disability benefits

Vacation pay

Lump sum compensation benefit

Vacation benefits

Surviving family benefits

Surviving family benefits

Surviving family benefits

funeral expenses ( funeral expenses )

장례비 ( funeral expenses )

funeral expenses

Vocational rehabilitation benefits

missing salary

Missing benefits

Nursing care benefits

Benefits for loss of belongings

Vocational rehabilitation benefits

Surgery benefits for specific diseases

Specific infectious disease diagnosis benefits, etc.

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