Counseling Case 2021 - 01

  • 최고관리자 (121.♡.204.119)
  • 03-08
  • 21
  • 0

[Counseling Case]


My dictation

Nu, Sri Lanka, **** panel (Busan, manufacturing)

Main problem



-Working period: July 1, 2019 ~ July 20, 2020 (1 year 20)

About 2,075,974 won

- procedure

11/02 Contact the company: I made a willingness to pay, but unpaid for one month

12/07 Busan Eastern Labor Administration Soothing

12/21 Busan East Labor Administration attendance statement

When the labor inspector calls the company, the agreement will be announced

12/21 2,070,000 won payment, consultation


Ending amount 2,070,000 won


In the case of users who are unpaid wages, they are often paid through labor supervision, so if the child's payment is delayed, calm measures are actively required.


My dictation

Sue OOO, Indonesia, ** Industrial (Busan, manufacturing)

Main problem

Wage and retirement


-Working period: November 27, 2015 -July 31, 2020 (4 years and 10 months and departed) August 20, 2020.

Counseling on August 12 before departure (4 months wages and severance payments about 8,634,168 won)

I called the company and asked for payment before departure, but confirmed that I was not willing to pay.

-Stop athletic on November 13, 2020, attendance at the Employment Labor Office of Busan.

The difference in unpaid wages and retirement allowances with the company is re -calculated to 8,605,000 won.

-The company agrees to be divided by a labor inspector.

-In order to pay the employer to pay overseas remittances.

-Check the worker and check the deposit.


November 10, 2020 (3 million won), December 10 (3 million won)

Terminated on January 19, 2021 (2,605,000 won)


In this case, it was agreed to be accused of accusing the labor inspector and the company, but in general, if the company decides to divide the unpaid wages, it is recommended to prepare a debt repayment process.


My dictation

Lou OOOOO, Vietnam, ** Tech (Changwon, Manufacturing)

Main problem

Wage and retirement


-Working period: October 30, 2018 -July 5, 2020 (about 1 year 9 months)

-Applace payment:

-Wage: 405,000 won in July 2020

-Deduction: 3,225,723 won

-Doard the Changwon Labor Administration on August 20, 2020.

The Changwon Labor Administration attended, but the president is absent.

-Labor inspector calls the wage of 405,000 won and severance pay.

-In late September, there was no wage payment or severance pay.

-Recondition of 10/18 complaint.
-In December, the Labor Office of the Labor Office was attended and issued after the statement was issued.

-After applying for a civil lawsuit, the Labor Welfare Corporation Application Application for Labor Welfare Corporation.

-Dreading of 3,225,723 won for severance pay and termination


The unpaid payment is paid as a small amount.


Business owners who do not want to pay severance pays need to be more actively persuaded by guiding disadvantages and fines following the Labor Standards Act.


My dictation

KOO, Philippines, ** Band (Gimhae, Manufacturing)

Main problem



-Applace payment: 2,005,774 won in October 2020

-Then I contacted the company's boss for three days after December 12, but did not reply.

-Doing the Gimhae Labor Administration on January 5, 2021.

Submit evidence only on commute time recorded on the calendar

-This on January 8, the Gimhae Labor Administration was informed that the company paid 1 million won on November 18, 2020. Check the bank account of the worker.

-Gimhae -no -dong attendance on January 12, meets the labor inspector and confirmed the balance of 1,005,774 won.

-If you confirm the deposit with the worker's bank account.


In full and terminated, the unpaid wages were completed.


There are often workers without salary statements or working records. Evidence is very important when calculating the actual unpaid amount, so in this case, it is necessary to record the time of commuting and commuting time. In the case of this case, the record and leave of work recorded on the calendar were important evidence.


My dictation

OO, China, ** Middle Restaurant (Changwon, Restaurant)

Main problem

Passport reissue application


-In December 2020, Visa Change from E-7 to D-10.

-Buen the expiration date of China's passport (February 20, 2021) overlap.
-If you find the next restaurant, you must complete the reissuance of a Chinese passport.

-There is a month to apply for a reissuance of a Chinese passport because of Corona (originally 2 weeks)

-Inquiries to the consulate on January 11, if there is a special situation, it may be processed quickly when submitting a reason.

-On January 11, after applying for a reservation on the Internet, submitted to the consulate by e -mail.

-Sume fee to China's Industrial Bank account on January 22.

-After preparing documents on January 22, the autograph, two photos, and the original passport were contacted by the consulate designated courier company and applied for mail delivery.

-Sume delivery number of mail by mail on January 22.

-This reply to the consulate on January 22.


Contact that you received your passport on January 27, 2021.


Corona 19 has become difficult to renew your passport. Previously, they were able to visit and handle them in person, but they often visit the center after non -face -to -face processing. It is necessary to allow more people to use it through publicity







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